Young Hitler

Young Hitler

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hitler's Death

      Adolf Hitler died on April 30th 1945, when he commited suicide by shooting himself in the head. This all happened in Berlin in Hitler's Führerbunker.
      The Russians had been invading Berlin and the Nazi forces were defending the capital and their leader. For the past several months, Hitler and his VIP's were locked in his Führerbunker. Three weeks earlier, Adolf told his top Generals and his mistress, Eva Braun, he would be killing himself. The day before (of the day of I can't recall) Adolf married Eva Braun. Adolf told his top general to burn his body after he was finished with suicide so he wouldn't be humilated in Berlin. He and Eva were locked in his room, they both took a cyanide capsule then shooting themselves. Their bodies were burned after as promised.
      This ended the Holocaust and World War II. The Nazi leaders then came our of the Führerbunker and made peace with the Allies.

       One man changed the face of the world. Looking almost invincible, one shot ended his life and the worst war the world has ever seen to this day.

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